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Cilio Vienna Porcelain Pour-Over Coffee Dripper

Cilio Vienna Porcelain Pour-Over Coffee Dripper


This stylish pour-over coffee dripper is made from strong white porcelian.  It is a great simple way to make high quality coffee drinks at home or when travelling.

Manual pour-over method is quick and easy and produces excellent coffee.

  • Brew directly into a mug or jug 1-4 cups
  • Made of high-grade porcelain
  • Dishwasher safe
  • Spiral grooves and 3 filter holes for even filtration
  • Dimensions:  Diameter 13.5cm, Height 10cm

Manual pour-over drip filter brewing is one of the easiest ways to make excellent coffee. All you need is a paper coffee filter, water kettle and mug or jug. The Cilio pour-over easily fits on top of a mug, carafe, jug or thermos to hold a paper filter for gravity feed coffee brewing. You control water temperature, coffee quantity and water flow so the coffee grounds are evenly saturated – producing a perfect delicious coffee every time.  Easy and convenient for a single cup of coffee or a larger quantity for friends - 1-4 cups per use.

Made of heavy grade porcelain with spiral internal grooves and three holes at the bottom, to slowly and evenly regulate coffee filtration.

How to brew: Rinse pour-over filter with hot water. Set on top of mug or coffee pot. Place a reuseable or paper filter inside the pour-over and add ground coffee - 8g per cup or to taste.  In a separate vessel, heat water to about 90oC (just below boiling) and pour approximately 150 ml per cup.  Starting in the center, pour a small amount of water in a circular motion over the ground coffee until the surface is wet. Wait for a half minute to let the coffee “bloom”, then slowly pour the remaining hot water. Total brew time should be 2.5 to 3 minutes.   Enjoy!

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